Happy Birthday, The Voice That Tastes Like Honey, Celebrity Blogger, Poko Virtuous Writes Singer AFRO JC


The famous Publicist cum News Writer had taken to his social media handle to felicitate with the talented Singer on the occasion of his birthday, even as he compared his voice to the taste of honey, Pokovirtuousblog can report.

An hour ago, the Publisher of this news site, Poko Virtuous took to his Facebook profile to write AFRO JC a lovely message in a bid to celebrate the talented Singer on the occasion of his 23rd birthday anniversary. In his poetic piece, the Blogger stated that he'll always honour him as 'the king' in his heart, even as he likened his [AFRO JC] voice to the taste of honey. He also revealed that it gladdens his heart each time he sees the artiste.

"Happy birthday, the voice that tastes like honey!

JC, I've forgotten how I met you, but I can't forget your charming personality.

"Each time I see you, it refreshes my soul like a thirsty man who finds water.

Once again, happy birthday AFRO JC. I'll never stop honouring you as the king in my heart 💕💕

© Poko Virtuous"

Checks by Pokovirtuousblog reveals that Ebiegberi Gabriel better known as AFRO JC is an A-lister in Bayelsa State, and considered the most creative singer by a large portion of music lovers according to a report made available to this blog by a music journalist yesterday.

The Brass native has two albums to his name: 'Positive Vibration' and 'Self-made' ft. Blackman PD.
