Unbelievable: Read The Letter This Guy Wrote His Ex-Girlfriend - It Will Shock You

Famous Bayelsan Blogger, Jacob Emmanuel Udekede shares a shocking thoughts regarding his ex-girlfriend on his social media handle.

In the post he rains series of curses on her - he only desired that things gets worse for his ex.
Relationship freak, Jacob Emmanuel Udekede (aka Krizz Kutz) has only succeeded in setting the internet space on fire with his letter to his ex-date.

The controversial post could only make one ask, 'Can any boy hate his ex-girlfriend to such an extent that he wishes evil to befall her in all facets of life?

Read the letter:

Dear Ex,

I hope you drop your iphone in a rural toilet.
I hope you fart during every job interview.
I hope your luggage gets lost at the airport.
I hope your toes get uglier.
I hope a satellite drops and hit when you're jogging.
I hope your password is always incorrect when you try to login.
I hope you get arrested over false charges.
I hope you tip and fall down a flight of stairs.
I hope your scent attracts wasps and they sting you repeatedly.
I hope your teeth fall out when you're on a date with another man.
I hope your car gets wheel clamped and the release fee is 50k.
I hope you enter the incorrect bank details when you win the lottery.
I hope SARS overtaxes you.
I hope you receive a 100k check then it bounces.
Fuck you.


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