The Battle Of Significance | Success Rules | Poko Virtuous

While the vast majority of the human race crave to become great but live as failure; only few have been able to achieve success and significance _ but the good news is, the handful of significant figures gives us some clues.

Poko Virtuous a Nigerian Motivational-speaker and Career-coach shows persons yearning for greatness the strategies successful figures applies.
"The secret of success is constancy of purpose"-
Benjamin Disreali

"This time, like all times is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it"-
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your life is the sum total of activities you get involved in. If you've been thinking becoming a significant figure in your career is a product of chance, ask any loafer in a slum area.

The quest to become an eminent personality is at an all time high _ but how many strive to know the route leading to the palace of significance? the easiest way to become significant in society is to offer value. Going for self-improvement sessions, acquiring skills that can help you improve the overall well-being of your immediate society is the timeless formula to greatness.

Dear friend, there is no joy in living below significance _ people won't count on your opinion in matters at hand, because they know _ sorry to say, you're useless. How it gives me a heavy heart that some folks out there are poised to change the negative narratives of their lives, but don't seem to know the way out! Worry no more _ it's time to smile. Yes, you can become a success in your career. You can make a profound impact in your generation _ yes, you can!

• It Begins With Having A Target
There is no easier route to becoming a mega-failure, other than in the path of living without vision. Having target helps you take purposeful action _ it makes each of your life's activities a contributory factor towards achieving the clear-cut goal. 

To illustrate, a youth wakes up in the morning, plays with his buddies, went to watch a TV show, had a lengthy chat with friends on social networks, strolled in the streets _ it's evening now, he went to bed _ has he accomplished anything he can boost of for the day?

On the other hand, a marketer wakes up in the morning taking a quick look at his to-do-list he prepared last night, he dressed up went to some of his leads, had a brief sales pitch with them, he shuttled to his office, made a few calls to customers/send some email messages _ at the end of the day he got some dollars, while also solving people's problem. From these hypothetical scenarios, who do you think is heading towards significance and why?

Your dream of becoming a star can only be cultivated on the soil of clear-cut goals. Nothing makes a man more useless like living each day of his life without a vision. There is no short cut to becoming great, successful or achieving authority status in your field without having targets.

As a professional writer, I have an editorial calendar  that shows me what ought to be done each day, the result? am enabled so that I can write up to 3000 words article daily _ guess what, it also positions me as an expert in my niche plus am becoming influential career-wise. Having goals you aspire to achieve is the brick to building a significant life.

• You Keep Pressing On
So you think life will treat you like a royalty, right? _ you give orders and it'll promptly obey you, huh? You got it wrong! How so? To start with, as a novice to rules of this planet, there are things you've been doing inaccurately that contradicts it's laws, hence you've been having trouble achieving targets _ in such a situation, you'll want to tweak your operating model and forge ahead.

Secondly, life is designed in such a way that, success is the result of patience, perseverance. Take Harland David Sanders, the Kentucky Fried Chicken founder as an example. He was rejected well over 1,009 times before becoming a significant figure. The wisdom of this phenomenon is, as you keep pressing on you're getting more exposure, more enlightened, increasing your network, acquiring more expertise, getting closer to the time your skill-set is most useful. Ask plants, they'll tell you they don't all grow at every season of the year _ 'universal law made it so' they'll add.

• No Time For Trivialities
When famous Motivational-speaker, Jim Rohn said, 'you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with' average folks thinks he's kidding.

Say you left home in the morning, sat at the road side looking at cars passing by. At the end of the day if someone asked you what your lecturer taught in school, would you be able to answer accurately? 

On the other hand, if you've been around, you'd have answered correctly, right?

Life works in thesame way, it is not that you aren't doing something, reading, etc _ the issue is you're engaged on trivialities, hence when what matters comes up you'll have nothing to say, thereby making you worthless. If you want to be considered as an important figure, expend your time on things of value and make yourself available where the demand for your knowledge is high.

• Be Quick To Act
After all the principles that's been revealed, the most powerful of them all is action. Action is the life of your dreams _ your visions can't see the dawn of the day without application. A man that is too weak to act, is equally too fragile to be significant. Life is a business of offerings _ provide high quality products and make a fortune _ offer poor quality goods and stay broke. If you refuse to act, you're giving life a poor product (you're not helping anyone) in return, it will keep you the way you are (useless to everyone). Therefore, you are responsible for what becomes of your life.

Finally, the journey to becoming a significant figure is possibe and attainable, if you'd have a target, forge ahead, submit yourself to important activities and stay quick to applying rules.
