You Are Just One Decision Away From A Totally Different Life - Nigerian Business Coach, Oluseyei


The Coach had harped on the need to make 'better decisions' in order to have a 'better life', Pokovirtuousblog has shown.

Although little to no information is available in the public domain about Oluseyei, our reporter learnt that she's a Business Consultant and the Host of 'The Zero Limit Life Podcast'.

In a post on her Instagram handle a few days ago, the Success Coach informed followers that they are very much a product of their decisions.

"Who you are and where you are today is more a product of your decisions than anything else.😐
A few years ago, I was complaining about the politics and toxicity in my (then) place of work to a friend and his response to me was quite brutal.😭

"He said to me "Please stop complaining about your office to me, you are the one who chose to work there. You are not an iroko tree, if you don't like it, move!🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
To be sincere I was a bit miffed 😡 as I considered his response to be lacking in empathy, however he was right.✔

"I choose not only to work there but also to remain there. No! I am not discounting other circumstances that makes moving not as easy as it sounds. Nonetheless, staying was still my decision.

"The bottom line is that your life is mostly a product of your decisions and that is actually good news.💡
Because this means you have the power to change the course of life.

"You are always one decision away from a totally different life!
So make that decision today and stick with it. Make that decision that will lead you to a happier, healthier, more successful life.

"You are just one decision away from a totally different life !
Have a beautiful day!
Coach Seye
#Selfleadership #Leadership #Leadershiptraining
#LeadershipCoaching #LifeCoach."
