28 Daniel Ogoloma Inspirational Quotes To Succeed In One's Youthful Days


Success is a lot easy to attain when one has the right knowledge, conversely it becomes very much difficult to achieve when we're surrounded by fallacies. These quotes will help you know the right and win at life, Pokovirtuousblog's investigation has shown.

Africa's energetic youth, Daniel Ogoloma is one Nigerian that is doing her country proud. The high-powered figure who has worked with many influential personalities including the Executive Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-olu, among others was appointed by Ecowas Commission Youth Council (EYC) in April 2021 as Ambassador of Peace. 

The 25-year-old Nigerian-british Citizen who happens to be the Founder of New Generation Africa, an organization that advocates for youth engagement on critical issues affecting government, is known as a Youth Advocate, Community Leader, Political Activist and Publicity Manager. He is currently studying in Harvard University.

In a bid to have you read these life-changing quotes, our reporter scoured the social media space and compiled them. In this article, you'll discover that nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams; that you can improve your society. Sit back, read and win!

• "I want to live a life that when people look at me they'll decide not to give up"

• " 'Packaging' can get you the attention but what people pay for, why people stay around you, what keeps you in the room is the value on the inside"

• "If I take my prescription glasses off and put them on you, you'll be blind. My vision isn't your vision. Just like yours isn't mine. FOCUS"

• "Remember, you are important but not irreplaceable"

• "Be encouraged and driven by what God sees in you and forget what the masses see"

• "Every move must have a purpose, only speak when it's time to say checkmate"

• "I think understanding otherness is the world's biggest challenge! Leaders must embrace cultural relativism, being sensitive to each individual, and understanding there is no normal way of being but rather the world is made of many differences"

• "Create value by being good at what you do, for value has no enemy"

• "Be a person of value and those people and circles you aspire to will start chasing you"

• "You are not responsible for the programming you received in childhood. As an adult, you are absolutely responsible for fixing it"

• "The highest office in the land is not that of the prime minister or president, the highest office is that of the citizen"

• "I think am just a service man, the people's man. Serving and leading"

• "There is a reason for your existence, there's grace you carry, focus on it and deploy it where it will count"

• "Some live the life they are given, others decide to create their own. I know which of the two I choose"

• "Stay where you are, keep putting in that work and at the right time nothing that truly belongs to you will ever pass you by"

• "Stay calm!! You are not missing anything, infact, you were never meant to be part of it"

• "Don't be afraid to take the first steps"

• "It's high time we start to see and do things pragmatically as the praxis of life won't lead us to that new generation"

• "Be so good at what you do that you're the reasonable choice for even those who have reasons to dislike you"

• "Make the world safe for human differences"

• "Focus on the million; ignore the hype"

• "So many reasons to smile; I'm forever grateful"

• "Young people! Applauding a leader for building schools, hospitals or roads using public money is the same as congratulating an ATM machine for giving you your money. WAKE UP"

• "Great people do things that are not normal. Stop trying to be like the crowd"

• "The elderly leaders in power across Africa need young people in their cabinets leading the operations that will nurture the new generation"

• "In a plane, those in first class can walk to economy, but those in economy are not allowed into first class. In life, many economy people will pick fights with you. Don't fight back. Simply move to first class. They can't get there"

• "Whatever you decide to do with life, history will be written"

• "No matter how comfortable the transportation, always remember it's not the destination"
