26 Hon. Oritsewino Kelvin Olu Motivational Quotes To Win At Life


The need to read inspirational quotes cannot be overemphacized. Not only does it offer insight on how to escape making blunders, but also facilitates one's journey to becoming the best version of one's self. If you're looking to achieve your dreams faster and win at life, you'll do well to make a point reading motivational quotes, Pokovirtuousblog's investigation has shown.

The Nigerian Politician, Hon. Oritsewino Kelvin Olu, a native of Delta State who is   happily married to Omotseye Oma Olu with kids, is one industrious figure in Nigeria worth studying. The energetic youth is currently the founder of two reputable companies: Orits-winor LTD and First Tripple Billion Nigeria LTD.

As a part of our responsibilities to keep you informed; assist you achieve your dreams, our reporter scoured the social media space and compiled these quotes from the high-powered Nigerian - read and become the best version of yourself!

• "Life is the biggest party you'll ever be at"

• "Look for the magic in every moment"

• "As long as the sun shines and there is breath in you, all you've been hoping for will surely surface"

• "The way you speak to yourself matters the most"

• "I said this message not because I don't encounter difficulties - I do. My reason is because when you give out hope and encouragement, it tends to come back to you"

• "Sometimes you are truly doing your best and making progress but because of the pressures around, you feel you aren't doing enough but in reality you are advancing in divine grace"

• "Your good deeds are not in vain. I know there are ungrateful people and there are still grateful people who appreciate you and will never stop praying for and wishing you well with their pure heart"

• "Never stop having the amazing personality that you have got"

• "The truth is that not everyone will like you in this world"

• "Sometimes you just need encouraging words to keep you going"

• "Life is not fair but you'll prevail"

• "If you are going through difficult days, it is a test of how good you would be when you are free from it"

• "Nothing last forever; you are a winner"

• "Good times are better when shared with family"

• "Some people will be blessed because of you today - we are all in this world for a reason"

• "One thing I have always believe is that, no matter what you think you have, it can go a long way in putting smile on someone's face out there"

• "We don't meet people by accident - they are meant to cross our path for a reason"

• "Over the past few days, I have become more aware that family is everything - hug your loved ones a little tighter"

• "It's good to be with your brothers from the hood"

• "Mind your line as we all have our own phases; keep your good work and believe, certainly you'll attain your goals"

• "In whatever you do, put in your best and believe in the process"

• "Always make those that love and believe in your potentials feel your presence"

• "There is no competition in destiny. A lot of people get it wrong trying to become exactly like others"

• "God is able; he'll never fail. He is Almighty God - greater than all we seek; greater than all we ask; he's done great things"

• "The sun and the moon are fulfilling their purpose for creation - nothing can stop them from shining"

• "When it comes to me, I wouldn't want to be anybody else"
