Big Story!!! Controversial Music Producer, Diamhorn Reveals How He Perceives Women

 • Bayelsan Music Producer cum Rapper, Diamhorn talks about ladies - how he sees them.

 • Wonders if there's anything wrong with him.

Eccentric Bayelsan Music Executive, Diamhorn shares how he's always viewed the opposite sex. The post which was shared a couple days ago on his Facebook page, had the 'God is a Shit' singer stated that for all he's done in his life, he's never 'liked' the female sex. The Oporoma native concluded the piece by asking thus; '...Am I alright or is something wrong with me?'.

In reaction to his statement, Social media users has since taken to the comment section of his post to share their thoughts - Deme Kolomo Priscilla, 'I'll tell u'. Dorine Otuma, 'So u bin dey lie dey give me'. Ebiakpo D Comedian, 'umbunu'.
