On Becoming Better | Success | Poko Virtuous

Nigerian Media Personality, Poko Virtuous writes about becoming the best version of one's self

In the over 1,300-word article, he reveals what he did from being an unknown figure to becoming a Media Personality at Radio Bayelsa

Radio Co-host, Poko Virtuous writes about his struggles from being a 'wandering generality' to becoming a 'meaningful specific' offering value. In the over 1,300-word article, the Writer shares time-honoured principles that can help just about anyone become a better version of himself

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On Becoming Better By Poko Virtuous

"The seven steps to transformation: 1. Dream it  2.  Envision it  3. Think it  4. Grow  it  5. Become it  6. Live it  7. Own it" - Germany Kent

"Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself" - William Faulkner

If there is one thing we share in common, that is desire - a desire to be better at what we do, but the sad reality is that only few know or worse yet, apply the principles to becoming a better version of themselves.

I for one once had trouble becoming a better me until I discovered and applied the principles. In this article, I'll walk you through my journey of becoming a better version of myself

Turn your mistakes into assets. Learn the techniques to make that happen from Poko Virtuous' new e-book 'Failures Nuggets'

• But He Doesn't Have Ten Heads!

"Inspiration and motivation may come from others, but true inspiration comes from within" - Catherine  Pulsifer

As I walk down memory's lane about my experience in JSS: 3, I can't help but appreciate the fact that I went to a public school. In the class one afternoon, a classmate of mine was speaking with a student, and he used the word, 'Opinion' - I didn't know the meaning of the word. I was disturbed. But I told myself, 'Virtuous, when you get home you have to look up the meaning of that word in the dictionary'.

The journey to becomimg a better version of yourself is in drawing inspiration from events that happens around you day in day out. Success comes raw, your ability to process it into a finished product is in your drawing inspiration from it. Every inspiration drawn and applied is a step closer to success. You must be on the lookout for inspiration!

As you go about your day's activities, be sure to ask yourself , say 'That guy that hosted the show, how was he able to speak the English Language fluently?  The mind that asks questions is the life that would excel

• Keep Doing It

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress" - Barack Obama

So, in my high school days, after hearing my classmate use the word, 'Opinion' of which I never knew the meaning, I began to read daily. It wasn't easy when I started out as I could barely read one half of a page of book. I can remember vividly how I get tired so quickly - and I'll ask God for mercy, 'Lord, please have mercy on me'.  But I'll hear a voice telling me, 'Don't ask for forgiveness, adhere to your rule'.

Dear friend, it wasn't easy! But the one tool that helped me is: determination. I told myself that, 'I must press on. You've got to read all these pages' - and guess what? That was how I started from reading 1 page to 3, from 3 to 6 and today many pages. I started from 10minutes to reading for hours today.

Your actions account for your current statusquo. The things you didn't do yesterday, is the reason you lack the things you yearn for today. To become successful you must understand the language called, 'sacrifice'. You must learn to curtail your pleasure - there were times I felt like to sleep more, but I have to tell myself, 'Virtuous, you know you said you'll read for 4 hours today'. A choice that would see you excel is built on the foundation of persistence and discipline

•A Desire To Help People

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless" - Mother Teresa

I make so bold as to state that, those kind gestures, advocacy or show you organize just so you could assist and improve people's lives, definitely has an endless echo - not only will it change lives for the better, it will change yours too.

My passion to inspire, educate and transform people has transformed my life! 2016, in a dilapidated building I call residence at St. Peter's, I decided that, my quotes should be aired on radio. I went to the broadcasting corporation, talked to them - from having my quotes aired on radio, I anchored a 2minutes segment in the programme, and now a co-host of a show.

Dear reader, it can only get better for you, because you choose to make people's life Better. It's key we realize that, in giving we don't really lack. But on the contrary, it is the man that chooses to play the 'possessive game' that loses. Back to 2016, after the programme, we do come together for a critique session    - it helped me a lot, as words we pronounced wrongly were spotted and corrections given.

Your plan of becoming great will only remain in your mind, if you're not passionate about helping people. A desire to offer premium presentation, triggered me to research, read and rehearse before going on-air. If you have trouble giving your listeners the best, it's a cinch you'll never be the best version of yourself. Success can only be cultivated in the field of making people better, striving to make individuals excel in their career.

The rule to becoming a better you, is in transforming others - and here's the magic, as you go all out to make them better, you learn things you never knew, change habits in order to meet the target - and that's how you become better

• A Time To Be Alone

"Some of the powerful times are when we're quiet" - Michael W. Smith

A time to be alone, is a time to go through your life's activities and see if they align with your pursuit. There can be no successful life without a quiet time. There is a connection between staying alone, say 30minutes each day and making the big picture a reality. I get involved in many activities - but how do I stay balanced? It is only logical that I have a quiet time for myself. In the game of becoming a better version of yourself, it behooves on you to evaluate your actions and activities.

The reason many talented people fail is because they have taken no thought about 'meditation time'.  Your meditation time as I like to call it, provide you the opportunity to discover habits that impede on your success and friendship that limits your progress, thereby helping you to take constructive action.

Success is too herculean a task for a man too busy that he doesn't have time to meditate. In life, if you must make progress, you'll have to examine yourself. A quiet time is the best place to critique yourself for a better future. A man's future can only be as bright as he honestly critiques himself. Choose to give yourself the chance to become a better you by having a quiet time to examine yourself.

• Productive Use Of Time

"The common man is not concerned about the passage  of time, the man of talent is driven by it" - Arthur Schopenhauer

You become what consumes your time. Your life is an expression of what took the majority of your 24hours daily. You cannot become a better version of yourself without making wise use of your time. It's commonplace to see women watching Nollywood movies for 8 to 15 hours a day, sleep for 5 hours (especially average women, not all)  The result? She can narrate almost all movies to her neighbours. Isn't she good at something? Yes, she is!

But why are people calling her a useless fellow?

It's because, she is an housewife that is suppose to be a good cook - but she knows zilch about it. Do you know that, the only problem that women has is how she uses her time?

Your life becomes attractive to the extent that you expend your time on things that are vital to your career. The woman in the aforementioned story used her time, it's just that it wasn't invested on the right activity. If you're looking to become a success, great and a respected authority in your discipline, yours must be the task of making productive use of your time.

I for one has since been making productive use of my time. As a media personality, I make a point to read the news so I can have stories to share. What is it that consumes your time?

In the final analysis, you can become a better version of yourself. All you need do is, choose to be at your best at what you do - choose to find inspiration from events that happen around you, keep pressing on against all odds, be all out to help people, make a point to examine yourself in the place of quiet time and make judicious use of your time. If you'd do these,  I can stake my life that you'll soon look back and exclaim, 'What!!! can't believe I am now a better man!'


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